Well yet another two months goes by without a blog....I suck at this! Well I have alot to catch up on I guess. Well right now I'm sitting on the couch trying to self-diagnose myself. I'm having this wierd back pain below my right rib cage and when I breath too deep, bend over or move too suddenly it hurts like crazy. Not to mention that it feels like I have a punctured lung and I make this funny wheezy noise. It was not a fun day at work let me tell you, as I'd bend over to help a customer today I'd make that aformentioned noise and every customer would ask me if I'm ok. Talk about sucky! So now I'm just sitting on the couch debating if I want to get up to make dinner and put in a movie. Although a good book sounds amazing aswell.
To catch up a bit more there are babies galore around me! I'm so excited to be an Auntie for the 2nd time , I'm just so ready to find out if it's a boy or girl. So Jess you better call me ASAP when you get back from the doc on the 8th! My best friend Steph is having her baby boy Ethan on April 14th, Amy just found out she's having a little girl....Taylor Marie Cope.....and my friend Nikki is having a baby too! So many babies, so much love in the air! I better get my butt going to plan a couple showers.
Well that's all the exciting things that I can think of right now....not to mention that in 10 days I'll finally be legal to drink! I'm so excited!!!! I feel like such a baby right now when I go out to dinner with a group of friends and I'm the only one that can't order a non-virgin drink! LAMO! But only ten more days isn't too bad! I'll have to write about that night for sure!! Until a couple months....Adios Amigos!
6 days ago
if you're planning a party, let me know, and i'll make jason babysit! if you'd want an old fart like me there that is! lol! :)
21st Birthdays are the best! ;O) Happy Early Birthday!
"Man I suck at this blogging thing"... yep, you do.
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